What to Expect with Sex Hormones During Menopause

Couple sitting on a bench smiling and being goofy - photo is for What to Expect with Sex Hormones During Menopause

Post Publish Date

May 17, 2023

S.H.I.T Happens

Let’s Talk about our Sex Hormones In Transition and what to expect with sex hormones during menopause. As we are hitting our mental and professional peaks in life our fabulous bodies that have served us so well start to change.  NO FAIR,  RIGHT!!!  Starting in late 30’s early 40’s, female sex hormones start to go a little crazy and will start to decline.  This will often show up as a multitude of symptoms that we in the beginning do not often attribute to menopause.  YES, I did it, I said the dreaded word MENOPAUSE.  And in our word, the women’s world we unfortunately often think that MENOPAUSE equals I’m officially OLD.  First off, Please know you are not OLD, you are still a vibrant women conquering the world or your child’s homework, both equally important. The transition to officially defined MENOPAUSE can last from 4 to 8 years. As the hormones change we start to have symptoms that we may or may not attribute to menopause.  Why do you think we often attribute symptoms to other causes?  It is often because we are still having our period and we are still young, it couldn’t be MENOPAUSE.


Having your period in the previous 3 months with no changes in menstrual regularity in the past year.

Early Perimenopause

-Menstrual cycle in previous 3 months with changes in the regularity in the past year.

Late Perimenopause

No menstrual cycle in the previous 3 months but, having your period in the past eleven months.

The transition thru these phases is often and erratic and unpredictable process.  This is a result of the Hormonal Roller Coaster of constantly fluctuating sex hormones.

What are the symptoms of Perimenopause:

-Menstrual Changes

-Vasomotor symptoms

            -Hot flashes

            -Night Sweats

            -vaginal dryness, painful intercourse

-Mood alterations


-Declining Bone mass

-Increase risk for Cardio-vascular disease

-Physical decline

-Difficulty sleeping

-Urinary Incontinence/ Frequent Urination


-Hair growth on face

-Loss of sexual interest

-Memory Lapse

-Weight Gain

OK, So you looked at the symptoms, and you have to admit, this may sound a little like you. What do I do now?  What are my options, I heard you just have to tough it out or you get cancer.

Yes, there is a lot of information floating around out there. And no you don’t have to tough it out.  Everyone’s body and health history is different so it’s important to talk with your healthcare professional about what the right options are for you and your symptoms. 

Non-Hormonal Options:

Mood Changes/Depression/Anxiety:  Regular exercise, relaxation techniques, B-Vitamin replacement, or anti-depressants

Urinary Incontinence/Frequent Urination/Bladder Infections: Stay well hydrated, and drink plenty of water.  Avoid Caffeine and foods high in Acid content. Practice your Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Explore Antimuscarinics (overactive bladder medications) with your healthcare provider.

Night Sweats/Hot Flashes: Dress in thin layers (wicking fabrics), layer bed covers, sip cold water, place ice pack under the pillow at night and down at feet.

Trouble Sleeping: wake up and go to sleep at consistent times (even on weekends), avoid caffeine, avoid the BLUE light before bed (YES, That means turn off the cell phone, iPad, and Computer), develop a relaxation-promoting bedtime ritual, Keep the bedroom for bedroom activities (sleeping & sex only), Remember dark, quiet, and cool (for sleeping, not drinking)

Sexual Discomfort/Vaginal Dryness:  Use vaginal moisturizers (i/e Replens, K-Y Long-lasting Vaginal Moisturizer), Water based vaginal lubricants (Astroglide, Moist Again, and Silk-E), Have SEX it promotes vaginal health by promoting blood flow.

Ok, so you tried all the above and you are still miserable, Now What?

Hormone Replacement Therapy!

What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? HRT is the replacement of the declining female hormones that cause the symptoms of perimenopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and the prevention of osteoporosis. The hormones replaced by HRT are typically Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone.

HOW DO YOU REPLACE HORMONES? Based on your symptoms and your hormone levels obtained thru lab work your medical doctor will recommend you start either one hormone replacement such as Estrogen or a combination of hormones (estrogen, progesterone & testosterone).  These hormones can be taken orally (tablets, capsules), topical (creams, can help treat vaginal dryness and improve skin quality), or by injection.

Progesterone: Helps promote sleep, calming, acts as a natural diuretic, increases ones metabolic rate and works as an antidepressant.  Bio-identical progesterone has been shown to decrease breast cell growth, decreases the bad cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, and decreases the build up of plaque build up in your arteries, thus reducing your risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Estrogen Replacement: Helps with vasomotor symptoms of menopause, reduces vaginal dryness and improves skin texture.

Testosterone: Helps increase sexual interest, promotes a sense of emotional well-being, necrosis muscle mass, and strength.  Improves sagging skin, decreases excess body fat, and helps maintain bone strength.

Synthetic V/S Bio-Identical

Synthetic hormones are man-made often conjugated equine estrogens, which will break down into 45% estrone sulfate and 55% various equine estrogens.  Bio-Identical Hormones are derived from plant sources and are modified to replicate the structure of human hormones.  These most closely mimic natural human physiology.  Most healthcare providers believe treatment with bio-identical hormones is the most safe and some will not even prescribe synthetic hormones to their patients.

IS HRT SAFE?  As you might recall around 2002, the world news spread the word that HRT caused CANCER.  This was a result of the Women’s Health Initiative Study that reported an increased risk of breast cancer associated with the use of Premarin and Prempro (both synthetic hormones). No study has associated bioidentical hormone replacement with increased cancer risk. So as you can suspect women around the world became concerned and stopped HRT.  Because when you are faced with unbearable hot flashes versus dying of cancer, who wouldn’t choose hot flashes?  The current general consensus of the medical community currently is that the risk for breast cancer is very minimal when prescribed and monitored correctly.  In fact, when bio-identical progesterone and estrogen were prescribed together the risk was actually eliminated. In general, women can reduce their risk by initiating HRT in perimenopause & early menopause.  The risk increases as the time from menopause increases and with increasing age.

Any type of HRT including birth control pills have been found to have a slight increase in risk for blood clots, which in turn does increase one’s risk for stroke.

Is the risk worth the benefits?

Each individual woman is unique in their own right.  For this reason, it is important to visit a healthcare provider such as Mountain Roots Holistic Healthcare who can evaluate your symptoms, medical history and risk ratio.  Your healthcare provider and yourself can then devise an individual approach to treating your symptoms that works for you and your lifestyle. 

What to expect at your appointment:

During your visit, your medical professional should take a complete history including your current symptoms, past medical history and family medical history.  They will examine you and may perform a gynecological exam, pap smear, mammogram, bone density screening and a colonoscopy depending on your age and when your last screening for these things was.  Your healthcare provider will also send you for basic lab work and check your hormone levels.  Once your screening is completed and you and your medical provider has decided on the type HRT to start, you will follow up with your medical provider every 3 to 6 months to evaluate the effectiveness and recheck your hormone levels.

Book an appointment today to learn how Leah can help.

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